John McNamara
"Untitled" (after the painting titled "Anticipation is Greater than Realization, 20" x 30", 2013)
"Running" 24" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2013
Recent Paintings
"Anticipation is Greater than Realization"
"Real Light" 40" x 48" Oil/Paper/Panel 2001
"Speed and Compression"
"10 Moments from the Twentieth Century"
"Integrated Polarities"
"Utilitarian Abstraction"
"The Gift" 36" x 48" Oil/Paper/Panel 2021
"Painters of the Past"
"Just Visiting"
"White on Color"
"The Long Shot"
"Survival of the Fittest"
"Deep" 30" x 90" Oil/Paper/Panel 2017/18
"Monsters" 36" x 48" o/p/p 2019
"Let's Twist Again Like We did Last Summer"
"The Modernists"
"Mixing It Up"
"Untitled" (after Richard Hamilton and Robert MCHale)
"The Rigor of Facade"
"WoW" 20" x 24" oil/paper/panel 2013
"Cycle" 30" x 40" Oil/Paper/Panel 2017
"Apex" 30" x 20' oil/paper/panel 2013
"Magic" 20" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2013
"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" 9" x 12" oil/paper/panel 2013
"Transcendent Banality"
"Glimmer" 36" x 48" o/p/p 2019
"Death Valley" 12" x 12" oil/paper/panel 2013
"The Suitors"
5.10.16 - Landscape
"Bridges and Plumbing"
"The Man"
"Possibilities" 20" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2014
"Inside Out"
"Second Mortgage"
"The New Sculpture"
"The Collapse of Pretense"
"The Showoff and the Introvert"
"Mergers: 10 Paintings - 20Portraits"
"Wise Ass"
"Century" 40" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2017
"Back to Square One"
"The Grid"
"Beauty and the Beast"
"Optimism's Promise" 36" x 48" O/P/P 2019
"Second Life"
"Generic Reconstitution"
"The Flow"
"Tug of War"
"Who's on Top?"
"Velvet Underground" 30" x 24" Oil/Paper/Panel 2021
"The Conservator"
"The Loss of Memory: The Inability to Forget 24" x 30" o/p/p 2019
"Minimalism's Maximalism"
"Larry's Place"
"Old Time Painting"
"Fifty Times the Area"
"The Obsession to Feel"
"Whittling Down" 36" x 48" O/P/P 2020
"The Inextricable Hold" (2nd version)
"Echoes of Remnants"
"The Unforeseen and the Inevitable"
"Fabrication of an Illusion" 24" x 36" Oil/Paper/Panel 2021
"Where is Matthew Barrall?"
The Gift of Consciousness: The Challenge to Negotiate Meaning
"The Modernists"
"Five of All" 24" x 36" oil/paper/panel 2019
"Secular Sanctuary" 48" x 72" Oil/Paper/Panel 2019
"It's What's Under the Hood that Counts"
"The Trail of Seduction"
"Where the First Kiss Leads"
"Exit 18: Vigil for Jay DeFeo"
"The Showoff and the Introvert"
"The Inextricable Hold"
"The Doubt in Belief"
"The Clan"
"The Art World"
"The Idolatry of Longevity"
"The Conspiracy"
"Stay in Tonight"
"Asleep at the Wheel"
"Lights Out"
"Queen of the Feminists"
"Anthroland" 48" x 40" Oil/Paper/Panel 1998
"Weather System"
"Seduced Again"
"Flux" 12" x 32" oil/paper/panel 2013
“The Collapse of Pretense” 48 x 80 in. (diptych) oil, paper on panel 2002
an Architectural Digest “before and after” of an 1980’s condo, coupled with Doc Edgerton’s micro second photography of drips, together talking about posers and facades
"Untitled" (after the painting titled "Anticipation is Greater than Realization, 20" x 30", 2013)
"Running" 24" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2013
Recent Paintings
"Anticipation is Greater than Realization"
"Real Light" 40" x 48" Oil/Paper/Panel 2001
"Speed and Compression"
"10 Moments from the Twentieth Century"
"Integrated Polarities"
"Utilitarian Abstraction"
"The Gift" 36" x 48" Oil/Paper/Panel 2021
"Painters of the Past"
"Just Visiting"
"White on Color"
"The Long Shot"
"Survival of the Fittest"
"Deep" 30" x 90" Oil/Paper/Panel 2017/18
"Monsters" 36" x 48" o/p/p 2019
"Let's Twist Again Like We did Last Summer"
"The Modernists"
"Mixing It Up"
"Untitled" (after Richard Hamilton and Robert MCHale)
"The Rigor of Facade"
"WoW" 20" x 24" oil/paper/panel 2013
"Cycle" 30" x 40" Oil/Paper/Panel 2017
"Apex" 30" x 20' oil/paper/panel 2013
"Magic" 20" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2013
"Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" 9" x 12" oil/paper/panel 2013
"Transcendent Banality"
"Glimmer" 36" x 48" o/p/p 2019
"Death Valley" 12" x 12" oil/paper/panel 2013
"The Suitors"
5.10.16 - Landscape
"Bridges and Plumbing"
"The Man"
"Possibilities" 20" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2014
"Inside Out"
"Second Mortgage"
"The New Sculpture"
"The Collapse of Pretense"
"The Showoff and the Introvert"
"Mergers: 10 Paintings - 20Portraits"
"Wise Ass"
"Century" 40" x 30" oil/paper/panel 2017
"Back to Square One"
"The Grid"
"Beauty and the Beast"
"Optimism's Promise" 36" x 48" O/P/P 2019
"Second Life"
"Generic Reconstitution"
"The Flow"
"Tug of War"
"Who's on Top?"
"Velvet Underground" 30" x 24" Oil/Paper/Panel 2021
"The Conservator"
"The Loss of Memory: The Inability to Forget 24" x 30" o/p/p 2019
"Minimalism's Maximalism"
"Larry's Place"
"Old Time Painting"
"Fifty Times the Area"
"The Obsession to Feel"
"Whittling Down" 36" x 48" O/P/P 2020
"The Inextricable Hold" (2nd version)
"Echoes of Remnants"
"The Unforeseen and the Inevitable"
"Fabrication of an Illusion" 24" x 36" Oil/Paper/Panel 2021
"Where is Matthew Barrall?"
The Gift of Consciousness: The Challenge to Negotiate Meaning
"The Modernists"
"Five of All" 24" x 36" oil/paper/panel 2019
"Secular Sanctuary" 48" x 72" Oil/Paper/Panel 2019
"It's What's Under the Hood that Counts"
"The Trail of Seduction"
"Where the First Kiss Leads"
"Exit 18: Vigil for Jay DeFeo"
"The Showoff and the Introvert"
"The Inextricable Hold"
"The Doubt in Belief"
"The Clan"
"The Art World"
"The Idolatry of Longevity"
"The Conspiracy"
"Stay in Tonight"
"Asleep at the Wheel"
"Lights Out"
"Queen of the Feminists"
"Anthroland" 48" x 40" Oil/Paper/Panel 1998
"Weather System"
"Seduced Again"
"Flux" 12" x 32" oil/paper/panel 2013